Back from Japan, and...

I miss Japan already...!

Here's a little photo summary before I go into detailed daybyday accounts:-

In the land of the rising sun, I -

Gazed at pretty sakura... so exquisite, yet so transient.

Gaped in awe at the magnificent snow-capped Mount Fuji.

Savoured the most delicious food. とても おいしかった!

Gawked at unique Harajuku fashion.

Braved the complex and intimidating train stations.

Relaxed in the lovely warm open-air baths.

Wore Yukata and slept in a warm Futon bed.

Slept in a Capsule - surprisingly spacious and comfortable.

... and SO much more! The pictures, the words... they just can't quantify the overall experience.

I love Japan.
Part of me wanted to stay there forever!

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